1LB Boneless Skinless Baccala Fillets in Wooden Box

Ambrosi & Sons

Desalting Guide Below

Before consumption, salted fish products must be desalted. The length of the desalting process depends on the thickness of the fish and on how long it has been cured, but is as much as 3 days for the thickest pieces. For the boneless skinless pieces or product typically only 1 day of desalting is necessary.

To achieve the best result we have provided these simple guidelines for the desalting process.

  1. Take the precut portion of codfish and rinse excessive salt under the tap.
  2. Place the fish in a large bowl of water. A general rule is three times as much water as fish. The bowl of fish should be kept in cool conditions, around 43 - 47 degrees Fahrenheit during the whole process.
  3. Change the water once a day.
  4. Some of the thinner cuts of the fish are ready to be cooked after 2 days . For the thickest cuts we recommend 3 days. After this process either cook or you may freeze for future use / ready to cook.